Tag Archives: Using LinkedIn

Active status on LinkedIn

Active Status LinkedIn headerYou may have noted that LinkedIn seems to have succumbed to an attack of the measles … green measles to be precise. For some they arrived last year only to disappear for a while, but then returned last week once again and are now back with a vengeance. For others, you may be seeing them for the first time and wondering what they signify.

Don’t worry, they’re not contagious. However, they do potentially offer us some valuable focus for our interactions on LinkedIn – so let’s get to the nitty gritty of what they are all about!

What do they mean?

This is part of the LinkedIn system that is called the ‘Active Status’ indicator and quite simply it shows when your connections are actually logged into the site and, to a certain point, also when they were last active.

They come in two forms: (more…)

Article Categories: Business Development on LinkedIn, LinkedIn Advice, LinkedIn News, LinkedIn Updates, Using LinkedIn
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Keeping secure on LinkedIn in 2018

LinkedIn Security & SafetyWith more and more activity happening online, in all of our interactions we have dual issues of both getting seen (and heard) while at the same time also staying safe – luckily there are some security aspects built into the LinkedIn system which may help.

I’m not talking about getting your homepage spam free – that’s a topic I’ve talked about elsewhere – but rather ensuring your access and activity on LinkedIn is as secure as possible. After all, it’s your own personal information, professional information and connections that are all built up in this site.

So, I’m going to encourage you to have a look at 6 areas that I’ve outlined below which will keep you – and your information – that little bit more secure on LinkedIn going forward.

1. Which services have access to your LinkedIn account

In a world where automation and streamlining seem to be pushing us to try to link everything together, we have no doubt allowed certain services to have access to our LinkedIn account to aid that process, Twitter being a prime example. (more…)

Article Categories: Advanced LinkedIn, LinkedIn Tips, LinkedIn Training, Security on LinkedIn, Using LinkedIn
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Demystifying LinkedIn

A lot of people I speak to about LinkedIn, particularly those who don’t spend all of their time online or glued to their phone, tell me they feel a little uncomfortable when they first go onto the site.

Why is this?

From what I can tell, it’s because they don’t know the rules … and we like to know the rules. Deep down the majority of us like to fit in and we feel comfortable when we do. We can reveal bits about ourselves at our own pace … and that pace will differ between individuals.

What do you do on LinkedIn?

Is it rude not to accept an invitation? What happens when I press “that” button? Do they know if I disconnect from them? Do they really know when I look at their profile? Do I have to read all the motivational quotes on my homepage?

If we don’t know how we should act then that’s not so good and we don’t want to offend. So what we do is … nothing.

To help, I try to equate LinkedIn with something they are more comfortable with and so I use the analogy that LinkedIn is simply (more…)

Article Categories: Businesses using LinkedIn, LinkedIn Advice, Using LinkedIn
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Blogvember – my 30 day challenge

Blogvember - 30 day challengeI used to do a lot of writing but, over the past couple of years, the ‘real work’ has taken over – you know the training and coaching stuff. But I’ve missed it and, particularly of late, I have desperately wanted to get back to it and rekindle my old mojo … from a blogging perspective.

In doing so, it seemed logical to do so while focusing in on my (some might say ‘all consuming’) passion that is LinkedIn – “blog about what you know”, I always used to tell people, so I’ll be following my own advice and sharing some of the things about LinkedIn that I have been wanting to get out there and so kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.

November seemed a good time to do that … (more…)

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Get fewer Emails from LinkedIn

Stop LinkedIn emailsLast week LinkedIn made a “big announcement” that they were cutting down on the number of emails they were sending out in response to member feedback. Very admirable.

They also had this as one of the points in their quarterly sales announcement to the Stock Market. Really? Slow news day perhaps.

Why do I find this less than inspiring? I suppose because although they state that they have managed to cut out 4 out of 10 emails that they are sending out, although they decide which ones. Personally I prefer to be in control and decide which emails I receive and which I choose not to … and you can be, in fact you have always been able to be. (more…)

Article Categories: Advanced LinkedIn, LinkedIn Tips, LinkedIn Updates, Using LinkedIn
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Controlling LinkedIn Publisher notifications

LinkedIn Tips and AdviceYou may have noticed over the past few weeks that you have had more and more notifications concerning the new LinkedIn Publishing option. These pop up under the flag symbol that sits next to your inbox in the top right hand corner of the screen.

Notifications were always designed to let you know when there things happening that you might be interested in – this historically has been things such as people viewing your profile, commenting on a Group discussion that you are following, leaving a comment on one of your updates etc.

Now, with the current state of affairs, you are also informed when a connection of yours issues a post via the LinkedIn Publishing system, (more…)

Article Categories: LinkedIn Publisher, LinkedIn Tips, Using LinkedIn
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