Tag Archives: LinkedIn Settings

Keeping Secure on LinkedIn

As more and more business and personal activity happens online, we have an increasing challenge of both remaining seen (and heard) while at the same time also staying safe – luckily there are some security aspects built into the LinkedIn system that you may like to consider and apply.

I’m not talking about getting your homepage spam free – that’s a topic I’ve talked about elsewhere – but rather ensuring your access and activity on LinkedIn is as secure as possible. After all, it’s your own personal information, professional information and connections that are all built up in this site.

So, I’m going to encourage you to have a look at 6 areas that I’ve outlined below which will keep you – and your information – that little bit more secure on LinkedIn going forward.

1. Where are you logged into LinkedIn

I don’t know about you, but I log into LinkedIn from a number of different places and a number of different devices – I might do so from the comfort of my own office but I will also do so in clients’ premises while running training sessions for them or from a coffee shop where I’m doing some work when on the road. And that’s not forgetting the mobile app too of course. (more…)

Article Categories: B2B Advice for LinkedIn, LinkedIn Tips, LinkedIn Updates, Security on LinkedIn, Using LinkedIn
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Who can see your email address on LinkedIn?

Since I started on LinkedIn, the site has always recommended that you only put your email and contact information in the official places – phone number goes in the phone contact field, email address in the email field and so on.

I could see the logic in that – there were automatic settings available to hide these from anyone that you weren’t connected to so the control was there. The trouble is that I wanted to be contacted by people I wasn’t connected to … that was my raison d’etre for being on the site.

If I had piqued their interest with something I had written, a comment I’d left or just what was in my profile then I wanted them to be able to get in touch, so I added my email address in particular to my Summary section so that it was visible to all.

Not exactly within the strict guidelines of the site but practical for what I wanted to achieve. (more…)

Article Categories: LinkedIn Advice, LinkedIn Site Changes
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Communicating your career intentions on LinkedIn
(aka – it’s not you it’s me)

Jobs on LinkedInHere’s a situation for you, one that perhaps you or someone you know might be in. You’re looking for a job – you don’t necessarily want your boss to know but you would like to make recruiters aware via LinkedIn that you … just might … be available and interested.

There have always been some very obvious methods open to us – adding “currently looking” in your professional headline or prominently in the main body of your profile would be one such way. That’s a little bit in your face though and certainly something that could be seen by your current employer.

Now, however, we have another – one that is only visible to users of the full Recruiter package on LinkedIn it’s true, but one that I’d recommend adding in any case to any active job seeker on LinkedIn.

So what does it do?

Essentially it allows us to add and share certain pieces of specific information and makes them available via one of the advanced search filters in the LinkedIn Recruiter package.

To tap into this, you’ll need to head over to (more…)

Article Categories: Jobseekers using LinkedIn, LinkedIn News, LinkedIn Site Changes
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Get fewer Emails from LinkedIn

Stop LinkedIn emailsLast week LinkedIn made a “big announcement” that they were cutting down on the number of emails they were sending out in response to member feedback. Very admirable.

They also had this as one of the points in their quarterly sales announcement to the Stock Market. Really? Slow news day perhaps.

Why do I find this less than inspiring? I suppose because although they state that they have managed to cut out 4 out of 10 emails that they are sending out, although they decide which ones. Personally I prefer to be in control and decide which emails I receive and which I choose not to … and you can be, in fact you have always been able to be. (more…)

Article Categories: Advanced LinkedIn, LinkedIn Tips, LinkedIn Updates, Using LinkedIn
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LinkedIn Tip: Get changed in private

Making changes to your profile is key to developing a strong presence on LinkedIn – adding elements and tweaking are useful not just because you are honing the information that you present to people, but also because it makes you more visible to your network.

Automatically, every time you add something to your profile or make a change, then your 1st level contacts are informed via a status update – in general, this is good as it demonstrates to your network that you are active at the same time keeps you ‘front of mind’, even if only in a small way.

However, there may well be times when you’ll want to have a real overhaul of your profile or you want to make certain changes that you would prefer to be made “under the radar” (more…)

Article Categories: LinkedIn Advice, LinkedIn Tips, Q & A on LinkedIn, Using LinkedIn
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Are you James Bond on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn Anonymous userA question for you.

As you use LinkedIn and look at the profiles of other members, do you consider yourself more like:

a) James Bond on a covert mission to infiltrate enemy lines and weed out enemy spies where stealth and secrecy is paramount and anonymity is your watchword ; or

b) A business networker happy to let people know that you’ve found something of interest on their profile?

While I can see a certain attraction in the James Bond option, I’m not sure that I could quite live up to the billing. So for me, I’m happy for people to see that I have visited their profile – in fact, on a number of occasions, I’ve had people check my profile out in return and then contacted me. Invariably, we have connected up as a result.

There are others, however, who feel more comfortable (more…)

Article Categories: LinkedIn Strategy, Q & A on LinkedIn, Using LinkedIn
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