Category Archives: LinkedIn Training

LinkedIn’s “Project Manchester” – matching people and required skills in Manchester

City of Manchester signI’m a great fan of LinkedIn … as you might imagine … although it’s true that we don’t always see eye to eye on things!

However, watching breakfast television this week I saw that they had launched an initiative in Manchester that is aimed at helping to get more people on to LinkedIn with a profile and skills that properly reflects their skillset – this might be people already with a LinkedIn profile that needs improving or people yet to join the site who will be helped to get started in the right way. The aim is to help them be more findable and hence hopefully be more findable by local companies in the area looking for people with the relevant skills they have.

This is something that they are accompanying with the hashtag #ProjectManchester and they are doing (more…)

Article Categories: Jobseekers using LinkedIn, LinkedIn News, LinkedIn Tips, LinkedIn Training
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Tagging your Connections on LinkedIn

Sorting ConnectionsYour connections are key to everything that you do on LinkedIn – they really are the start point for all of your activity, either directly or as advocates for what you do. They form the core of your network and your 2nd level, 3rd level connections etc. all radiate out from them, so without them, you have no network! Fairly key, I think you’d agree!

One of our first steps therefore needs to be that we ensure that we connect up with our ‘real world’ network on LinkedIn, to gather the people that we have worked with, customers, suppliers and partners around you – this in turn will hopefully allow us to then work with them and tap into opportunities that will be jointly beneficial. These are after all the people who are best placed to recommend you, your expertise and the services or products that you offer or represent.

To help this ongoing process to happen most effectively, it’s important to be able to divide our connections up and be able to sort, categorise and filter them – that way, if you are looking to reach out and communicate to particular groups of people you will be able to do so as effectively as possible. Working with LinkedIn’s system to achieve this and then using that categorisation in a way which will benefit both you and them is consequently going to be very important. (more…)

Article Categories: Advanced LinkedIn, B2B Advice for LinkedIn, LinkedIn Tips, LinkedIn Training, Using LinkedIn
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Hi, my name’s Mark.
I’m on LinkedIn and I’m not looking for a new job

If that sounds like an introduction you might make at a “self help” group then maybe that’s not that far off the mark. Certainly, on occasions, I almost feel like I should be apologising for the fact I use LinkedIn in a variety of other ways. A situation not helped by people I meet who aren’t on LinkedIn and who tend to come out with the same reason – “well, why should I join, I’m not looking for a job”.

What does LinkedIn say, then?

Now, I lay much of the blame for this fairly and squarely at LinkedIn’s door – they make a lot of their money from their ‘hiring solutions’ so it’s understandable that they don’t (more…)

Article Categories: Businesses using LinkedIn, LinkedIn Training, Networking supercharged
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LinkedIn MasterClass Series at Social Media Week London

Well, Social Media Week is fast approaching again!

For those of you who might be thinking that time has flow and it doesn’t seem a year since the last one … well, you’re right. The annual event has now been brought in line around the world and so will be taking place here, as elsewhere, between 24th and 28th September after its February appearance earlier in the year.

As ever, there will be loads of events around London (as well as 13 other cities around the world) and, having missed out a little in previous events, I have decided to participate as well on this occasion. I have therefore decided to run a series of LinkedIn Masterclass sessions to run throughout the week.

The LinkedIn Masterclass Series is a set of five 90 minute sessions (more…)

Article Categories: Businesses using LinkedIn, LinkedIn Advice, LinkedIn Tips, LinkedIn Training, Social media Week
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Searching for Groups on LinkedIn just got easier

LinkedIn Groups searchWell, it needed to happen … and finally it did. The search function for the groups section on LinkedIn has just got an overhaul to bring it a little more in line with the rest of the site and not before time, it has to be said.

Groups on LinkedIn are an absolute treasure trove of information, debate, contacts and prospects – a key element of the site that really delivers value at all levels. There are currently some 1.2 million groups, all run by LinkedIn members like you and me, and they deliver a huge variety of content and focus areas, so being able to find the right ones and tap into them is invaluable.

From a sales and marketing perspective, they also provide a veritable goldmine of information and opportunity – though one which needs to be used with great care.

However, the challenge has always been finding the most appropriate ones to participate in. Using my own rule of thumb, with 1.2m groups on offer and our ability to join (more…)

Article Categories: Groups on LinkedIn, LinkedIn Course, LinkedIn Site Changes, LinkedIn Training, LinkedIn Workshop, Using LinkedIn
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Follow Company button from LinkedIn

Company Followers on LinkedInLinkedIn announced yesterday that they were launching a ‘Follow Company’ button – essentially a graphic button that organisations could place, for example, on their own websites to encourage people to ‘follow’ their company on LinkedIn. Just to clarify, following a company in LinkedIn’s terms simply means that you receive news automatically from the company either via email or as an update on your LinkedIn homepage, according to your preferences.

You’ve been able to follow companies from the LinkedIn site for a couple of years now, but this is the logical extension to that by facilitating it away from just the Company pages on LinkedIn. It also ties nicely in with the other feature that LinkedIn added to the Company pages at the end of last year which allows organisations to post updates and hence opens up the opportunity for them to start to use their Company Page more proactively as a company mouthpiece and marketing tool. (more…)

Article Categories: Businesses using LinkedIn, LinkedIn Course, LinkedIn News, LinkedIn Site Changes, LinkedIn Training, LinkedIn Workshop
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