Category Archives: Content Marketing

Open Letter from LinkedIn’s Algorithm

I’m getting a little fed up of the blame culture here on LinkedIn and, to be honest, it’s getting me down.

The algorithm did this, the algorithm did that … and all because you’re getting rubbish in your LinkedIn newsfeed.


(Sorry about the capitals but I feel reallllllly strongly about this)

Well, when I say it’s not my fault, it is sort of … but it’s yours too!

“How can we help?” I hear you ask?

Well for starters if you think something you see is good and it’s something you’d like to see more of, then LET ME KNOW! I’m not a mind reader after all.

Just ‘Like’ it or ‘Love’ it or ‘Celebrate’ it or (more…)

Article Categories: Content Marketing, LinkedIn Marketing, LinkedIn Search, Social Selling
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5 Key elements to creating LinkedIn business post

Is there a secret formula to posting on LinkedIn, a format that is guaranteed to give success under all circumstances? Well, I think I’ve found the answer!

No. Sorry about that.

The fact is that with the variety of audiences, topics, formats, marketing options, networks & individual preferences we all have, there can never be one format that fits all. We all have different tastes and we certainly have different reasons for being on LinkedIn which makes a one size fits all approach to be almost impossible.

Indepth posts, business topics, personal successes / challenges, motivational posts, even jokes – which have certainly been successful for some people (though not to my taste) – all have their place.

However, for those looking for a general business format, here is a great framework to try when you post which should allow you to get a number of the key trigger elements in place:

1. Strong Opening
The first 2 – 3 lines are what people see so, like a newspaper headline, you need to use that to get their attention

2. Hook
You need them to click on ‘read more’ to see the rest of your post, so give them a reason to do so

3. Content
Important that you make sure what they see is of value or inspires a reaction depending on your post’s purpose

4. Call to Action
What you want them to do next – leave a comment, like, get in touch – doesn’t have to be blatant but do encourage an action

5. Visual
An image or video helps it stand out – may give visibility or add value to the post (or both!)

So many other formats to consider but is this a format you’ve tried? What works best for you?

#LinkedIn #Marketing

Article Categories: Content Marketing, LinkedIn Marketing, LinkedIn Tips
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New factor in LinkedIn’s Algorithm – Dwell time

There’s a new kid on the block when it comes to the LinkedIn algorithm & how it decides if your posts should feature in other people’s newsfeed – Dwell Time.

You’re probably aware that LinkedIn uses people’s reactions to your posts (leaving ‘like’ or ‘comment’) to decide if they distribute it further & give it additional airtime.

Well, a new factor at play also looks at how long people spend looking at the content as well – the Dwell Time. The longer people spend reading it the better – for you & the algorithm.

So hopefully this increases quality of content over time yet still rewards engagement. (more…)

Article Categories: Content Marketing, LinkedIn Site Changes, LinkedIn Tips
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7 Steps to research on LinkedIn ahead of a sales meeting or call

LinkedIn has a whole variety of potential benefits according to what you wish to achive on the site. One key area, however, for almost all areas is the ability to research people and companies that we are going to meet to be better prepared for that encounter.

1. Check the company page

Take a look at the posts that the company are sharing – this will give you a good feel for not only what the company is currently involved in and its offerings, but also the areas of its activity that it deems to be important. You can contact Kennected platform for LinkedIn to get good exposure to your company page. Good to be both aware of this and to see whether this may also be of interest to leverage in your discussions.

2. Check posts about the Company

You can use the ‘Content Search’ on LinkedIn to find out additional information (more…)

Article Categories: Advanced LinkedIn, B2B Advice for LinkedIn, Company Pages, Content Marketing, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Social Selling
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Creating and using content effectively on LinkedIn

Content creation – or what to write about! – remains a key worry for most business owners and marketing professionals alike. Talking about things is a great way to get yourself out there and show people the benefits of what you do.

Now, added to this, one of the consequences of LinkedIn’s algorithm introduction some 2 years ago is that the distribution of your content has been reduced. That means that, in most cases, content you issue will only be seen by a percentage of your network or target audience, even if it’s widely shared … and for most, that‘s a big IF.

It therefore makes sense to use the content we produce more effectively, to re-purpose it or create chunks to use to promote the full version. This ism’t cheating or trying to deceive your readers – just the opposite. What you are really doing is creating ways in which you can use the information you are creating and sharing more effectively … just as it should be!

There are numerous ways in which you might achieve this and below I have added some thoughts on potential ways to do just that:

1. Use Mini Posts as leaders

Use the initial post as a focus point and pick three key points in it. Create mini posts with each of these and use them as teasers for the full post. This is particularly powerful with your Foundation posts, one of the key drivers of content that I talk about in the 16 Strategic Post Ideas;

2. Infographics make your message visual

If your post was text based, then consider (more…)

Article Categories: B2B Advice for LinkedIn, Content Marketing, LinkedIn Marketing, LinkedIn Tips
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Saving Posts and Articles on LinkedIn

Saving Posts & ArticlesDo you ever have the situation where you see a post on your homepage that you want to read later or comment on but after a little thought?

All too often if you refresh the page, that post disappears as LinkedIn tries to provide new content for you, and finding it again is nigh on impossible. All done in good faith but massively annoying.

Well, struggle no more. Finally – and I do mean finally – LinkedIn has introduced the ability to save a post for you to be able to look through it later. We’ve had it for a while on the mobile and for articles but there hasn’t been a site wide option … until now!

Saving posts on LinkedIn

Now if you go to the ‘three dots’ in the top right hand corner of a post you’ll find a couple of new additions at the top of the menu (more…)

Article Categories: Businesses using LinkedIn, Content Marketing, LinkedIn Site Changes, Using LinkedIn
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