Category Archives: LinkedIn Site Changes

Increase in LinkedIn’s Headline Field

Short but very sweet today! LinkedIn has decided to increase the number of characters that you can use in the headline field on your Profile today – something which came rather out of the blue!.

The Headline field is one of the most important areas on your LinkedIn Profile page, partly because it is quite restrictive but also because the role that it plays. In case you’re wondering, the Headline consists of the characters that appear just below your photo at the top of your profile:

For as long as I can remember, the limit to this section was 120 characters – it was always designed to be something which was short and to the point.

However, as of today LinkedIn has increased that limit to 220 characters so you can if you wish add in a whole lot more information into this area.

However, before the cheers subside, a word of warning. I’m not convinced that you should. (more…)

Article Categories: LinkedIn Site Changes, New LinkedIn Profile, Optimise your Profile
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New factor in LinkedIn’s Algorithm – Dwell time

There’s a new kid on the block when it comes to the LinkedIn algorithm & how it decides if your posts should feature in other people’s newsfeed – Dwell Time.

You’re probably aware that LinkedIn uses people’s reactions to your posts (leaving ‘like’ or ‘comment’) to decide if they distribute it further & give it additional airtime.

Well, a new factor at play also looks at how long people spend looking at the content as well – the Dwell Time. The longer people spend reading it the better – for you & the algorithm.

So hopefully this increases quality of content over time yet still rewards engagement. (more…)

Article Categories: Content Marketing, LinkedIn Site Changes, LinkedIn Tips
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Featured section – new on LinkedIn!

Over the last 6 weeks, LinkedIn has been rolling out a new feature which can make a massive difference to our Personal profile pages because of the opportunities it offers to highlight key aspects of our content or news that might otherwise remain buried among the myriad of information we have on it. Ideal whatever our reason for being on LinkedIn is.

I’ve long talked about the benefits of certain key aspects of our profile – the headline to deliver a first “statement of benefits”, the banner to convey visually the message you wish to get across and the About section which gives you the scope to speak effectively about what you can bring to any conversation / relationship on LinkedIn.

Joining the party is the Featured section which sits again in the top part of the profile and allows you to highlight your work, articles, posts or other resources that you feel best represent you and show off your offerings.

What is it?

The Featured section appears at the top of your profile and as you can see, at the time of writing, it does live up to its name. What you put in there is definitely going to be featured as LinkedIn hasn’t skimped on the size of the section! (more…)

Article Categories: Advanced LinkedIn, LinkedIn Site Changes, LinkedIn Updates, Optimise your Profile
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Saving Posts and Articles on LinkedIn

Saving Posts & ArticlesDo you ever have the situation where you see a post on your homepage that you want to read later or comment on but after a little thought?

All too often if you refresh the page, that post disappears as LinkedIn tries to provide new content for you, and finding it again is nigh on impossible. All done in good faith but massively annoying.

Well, struggle no more. Finally – and I do mean finally – LinkedIn has introduced the ability to save a post for you to be able to look through it later. We’ve had it for a while on the mobile and for articles but there hasn’t been a site wide option … until now!

Saving posts on LinkedIn

Now if you go to the ‘three dots’ in the top right hand corner of a post you’ll find a couple of new additions at the top of the menu (more…)

Article Categories: Businesses using LinkedIn, Content Marketing, LinkedIn Site Changes, Using LinkedIn
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Remember the Time Warp for LinkedIn Mobile App

Looks like LinkedIn have gone all Time Warp on us when it comes to the mobile app. What are you on about I hear you ask …

Well, finally they have started to bring into line one outstanding difference between the desktop and the mobile app – the banner that sits at the top of your profile should contain lots of good information but the bane of the marketing department’s life has been the fact that while your photo was moved across to the left hand side at the start of 2017, on the mobile app it has steadfastly remained in the centre on the mobile app.

As of this week, however, it has just taken a Jump to the Left (now we get to the Time Warp reference!) to put it in line with the desktop and give us all an additional tranche (more…)

Article Categories: Advanced LinkedIn, LinkedIn Mobile, LinkedIn Site Changes, Using LinkedIn
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Using hashtags on LinkedIn

linkedin-hashtagYou may have noticed a resurgence of hashtags on LinkedIn over the past few months and you may also have seen some extra areas popping up around the site as well to help their usage.

It seemed appropriate therefore to have a delve into just how we might use them effectively on LinkedIn, both from a publisher’s perspective and also as a reader / consumer of content.

And if you think “Nah, hashtags aren’t for me” then you might be right but, on the other hand, you might find that there’s some real business use built in and that it’s not all just #hashtaghypebutnotreallyuseful

Using hashtags as an Author / Publisher

So why bother with hashtags when you publish on LinkedIn? As you may have noticed, LinkedIn has started to encourage us to use hashtags every time we post, whether that is an update or an article, giving us some suggested initial selections which are based on your past usage and also on the text you have inserted.


Article Categories: Content Marketing, LinkedIn Marketing, LinkedIn Site Changes, LinkedIn Updates
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