Tag Archives: LinkedIn Updates

Notifications return in LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn Groups – going back 4 years, the place to be!

Then LinkedIn stopped letting us know about new discussions and we stopped going … out of sight, out of mind.

Lots … most … fell into disrepair, though some still work really well due to the unfailing efforts of the owner or moderators.

Well, you may have noticed new content notifications coming through recently and posts from some of your favourite Groups.

A way for you to focus better on topics / content you’re interested in!

If you want to receive notifications about new posts in certain key Groups for you then you can. (more…)

Article Categories: LinkedIn Tips, LinkedIn Updates
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Saving Posts and Articles on LinkedIn

Saving Posts & ArticlesDo you ever have the situation where you see a post on your homepage that you want to read later or comment on but after a little thought?

All too often if you refresh the page, that post disappears as LinkedIn tries to provide new content for you, and finding it again is nigh on impossible. All done in good faith but massively annoying.

Well, struggle no more. Finally – and I do mean finally – LinkedIn has introduced the ability to save a post for you to be able to look through it later. We’ve had it for a while on the mobile and for articles but there hasn’t been a site wide option … until now!

Saving posts on LinkedIn

Now if you go to the ‘three dots’ in the top right hand corner of a post you’ll find a couple of new additions at the top of the menu (more…)

Article Categories: Businesses using LinkedIn, Content Marketing, LinkedIn Site Changes, Using LinkedIn
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16 Strategic Post ideas for LinkedIn

There are a number of key worries that people have as they start to post on LinkedIn and what to write about, whether they will have enough to talk about and how best to communicate their messages to their readers all come high up the list … effectively, what sort of posts should they write. Well, posts can take many shapes and forms according to the author’s inclination and the readers’ preferences – I think the skill comes in matching the two as closely as possible.

To help you in your deliberations, here’s a list of 16 possible types of posts that you could look at to develop the conversation through your posts – they won’t all be relevant for every post, update or even article that you publish but they should help to spark some ideas on ones that would be most applicable for you.

1. Foundation Posts

Foundation posts – sometimes also referred to as “Pillar” posts – are the core content areas that your posting activity should be built upon and they focus on the key subject areas that you want to communicate to your connections and potential prospect. Given their importance, they are (more…)

Article Categories: B2B Advice for LinkedIn, Content Marketing, LinkedIn Marketing, Using LinkedIn
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Using hashtags on LinkedIn

linkedin-hashtagYou may have noticed a resurgence of hashtags on LinkedIn over the past few months and you may also have seen some extra areas popping up around the site as well to help their usage.

It seemed appropriate therefore to have a delve into just how we might use them effectively on LinkedIn, both from a publisher’s perspective and also as a reader / consumer of content.

And if you think “Nah, hashtags aren’t for me” then you might be right but, on the other hand, you might find that there’s some real business use built in and that it’s not all just #hashtaghypebutnotreallyuseful

Using hashtags as an Author / Publisher

So why bother with hashtags when you publish on LinkedIn? As you may have noticed, LinkedIn has started to encourage us to use hashtags every time we post, whether that is an update or an article, giving us some suggested initial selections which are based on your past usage and also on the text you have inserted.


Article Categories: Content Marketing, LinkedIn Marketing, LinkedIn Site Changes, LinkedIn Updates
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Downloading & Backing up Connections – the LinkedIn mini-saga

LinkedIn connections download sagaWell, there’s been a bit of a hoohah over the past week regarding downloading of your connections’ details on LinkedIn … and, in the end, a lot of non changes. Not a good topic for a blog post you might think. Possibly … but I think it’s worth a brief synopsis of what went on and where we are now.

It all relates to our ability to create a download from our LinkedIn account of our connections, the people that we have spent time connecting with and engaging with on LinkedIn. We have always been able to take a download of this information instantly with name details, email, company and job title of the people we are connected to. They are our business connections, so why not?

Anyway, on Wednesday last week LinkedIn, unannounced, closed down that particular option. The “unannounced” part was not a great surprise … LinkedIn often changes things and then waits for people to find out, there is no clear mechanism for announcing them so it relies on people like myself to do so and then it seeps out into general consciousness. In this case, they had in fact replaced it with a mechanism that they introduced at the start of the year where you can download a full archive of all your LinkedIn activity, so there was an alternative.

The issue was that this could take up to 72 hours to arrive since you had to request it from LinkedIn rather than do it yourself.

Result: all hell broke loose! Lots of posts, lots of activity on Twitter (more…)

Article Categories: Advanced LinkedIn, B2B Advice for LinkedIn, LinkedIn Site Changes, LinkedIn Updates
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Updates on LinkedIn – 10 ways to make them more effective

Linkedin-updatesAs either an information broadcast method, a content marketing tool or an easy method of engagement, the Updates on LinkedIn remain an often used yet rarely optimised opportunity on the site.

The Updates box site prominently at the top of your homepage on LinkedIn. However, it isn’t the easy “solve all” tool that some consider it to be – simply sending something out to appear on your connections’ homepage is not going to immediately generate hundreds of hits. Rather it is a gradual process requiring patience – a drip feed approach which increases visibility, generates page views and likes, delivers key information to connections and keeps you ‘front of mind’. If done correctly.

Article Categories: B2B Advice for LinkedIn, Businesses using LinkedIn, Content Marketing, LinkedIn Marketing
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