Category Archives: B2B Advice for LinkedIn

Who do you want to notice you on LinkedIn?

Don’t try to create a LinkedIn Profile that speaks to everyone. You can’t.

As Lincoln is famously quoted as saying “You can’t please all of the people all of the time”.

The same most certainly rings true when it comes to your Profile as well – write it to try to talk to everyone and you’ll end up talking to no-one.

So, it’s really important to decide who is your target audience when writing it. (more…)

Article Categories: Advanced LinkedIn, B2B Advice for LinkedIn, Job Seeking, Optimise your Profile, Using LinkedIn
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What’s your etiquette on LinkedIn

Hi, I’m Mark, I’m on LinkedIn and I’m worried.

Using LinkedIn comes with a set of challenges & concerns. More so than ever at the moment when things have changed so much over the past 18 months.

For many, one is still “What’s the etiquette here?” or “How should I act?” or “What should I post about?”.

There’s been lots written on this but most vastly overcomplicates things.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand people’s misgivings – I have them too, particularly about the trend to more personal posting.

But I feel most of us have an innate understanding of how to do things, because it should be no different to what we do when talking to people every day – via video or phone, or face to face again, which is thankfully returning.

We meet people, we introduce ourselves (more…)

Article Categories: B2B Advice for LinkedIn, LinkedIn Strategy, Using LinkedIn
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Using LinkedIn for Conversations

“LinkedIn is only about conversations!” announced one of the attendees on my training session yesterday – they’d been on a course and that’s what the trainer had told them. “That’s all there is to it!”

Well, sort of.

The trouble with talking about conversations up front is that it’s jumping the gun a little. It’s like talking about how it feels to win an Olympic medal before you’ve decided which sport to take up.

There are some additional steps to take first.

Such as: (more…)

Article Categories: B2B Advice for LinkedIn, Businesses using LinkedIn, LinkedIn Advice, LinkedIn Marketing, Using LinkedIn
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Here’s looking at you – LinkedIn Advent Calendar (Day 4)

Keep an eye on who has been looking at your Profile page on LinkedIn.

Do you do that already? Yes? Awesome!

Then what do you do …?

Hopefully you do SOMETHING because this is a great opportunity you’ve been given.

This isn’t a list of (random) names but more of a list of caller IDs – people who have dialled in but, for whatever reason, didn’t get in touch at that time.

They could be in research mode, building a list of potential suppliers or partners. So … get yourself to the top of that list!

What do I do? (more…)

Article Categories: B2B Advice for LinkedIn, Job Seeking, LinkedIn Search
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Don’t make your employees into stormtroopers

A long time ago, in a company far far away …

Well, without wishing to spoil a good story, scarily it was actually last month.

I was speaking to a company about using LinkedIn as a business development tool. No surprise there.

I’d mapped out a training plan for them and, as is my preference, the 1st session included how they presented themselves on the site – their Professional branding – particularly the sales team.

That’s all covered I was reassured.

Super! But I thought I’d check anyway.

First one was okay, a couple of pieces missing but generally not too bad.

The second one looked strangely familiar. (more…)

Article Categories: B2B Advice for LinkedIn, Optimise your Profile, Social Selling
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10 ways LinkedIn can help develop local business

No matter what size of organisation we work for, a local market is going to be important to us. Our individual versions of “local” will vary of course – it may be a town, a county or even a whole country, but it is one of those key markets for many and one that needs to be considered.

For many smaller organisations or individuals, it can often be their only market or, at the very least, the mainstay of their business and hence a key area to nurture and develop.

With LinkedIn, in spite of being global in nature, we have the chance to tap directly into our local marketplace, so it’s important to know how to use the tools at our disposal to do just that.

Making ourselves visible and easy to refer is one half of the equation, the other is to use the facilities on LinkedIn to proactively identify, approach and market to this key group of people.

Here are 10 ways in which we can use LinkedIn to do just that:


Article Categories: B2B Advice for LinkedIn, Businesses using LinkedIn, LinkedIn Advice
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