Category Archives: Social Selling

Open Letter from LinkedIn’s Algorithm

I’m getting a little fed up of the blame culture here on LinkedIn and, to be honest, it’s getting me down.

The algorithm did this, the algorithm did that … and all because you’re getting rubbish in your LinkedIn newsfeed.


(Sorry about the capitals but I feel reallllllly strongly about this)

Well, when I say it’s not my fault, it is sort of … but it’s yours too!

“How can we help?” I hear you ask?

Well for starters if you think something you see is good and it’s something you’d like to see more of, then LET ME KNOW! I’m not a mind reader after all.

Just ‘Like’ it or ‘Love’ it or ‘Celebrate’ it or (more…)

Article Categories: Content Marketing, LinkedIn Marketing, LinkedIn Search, Social Selling
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Don’t make your employees into stormtroopers

A long time ago, in a company far far away …

Well, without wishing to spoil a good story, scarily it was actually last month.

I was speaking to a company about using LinkedIn as a business development tool. No surprise there.

I’d mapped out a training plan for them and, as is my preference, the 1st session included how they presented themselves on the site – their Professional branding – particularly the sales team.

That’s all covered I was reassured.

Super! But I thought I’d check anyway.

First one was okay, a couple of pieces missing but generally not too bad.

The second one looked strangely familiar. (more…)

Article Categories: B2B Advice for LinkedIn, Optimise your Profile, Social Selling
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What is LinkedIn’s Social Selling Index & how to benefit from it

Social Selling Index SSIfor the past few years, we have had access to an online tool called the Social Selling Index which is designed to give a snapshot of where you are in using LinkedIn as part of your sales – your social sales – activities. The details are displayed on your own page with references to how you rank in comparison to others within the same industry and your perceived peer group.

It is also couched with a number of references to LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator account – this is one of the premium account levels and the stream which is designed to help the sales professional to prospect and develop more business using social channels, and LinkedIn in particular.

What is the Social Selling Index?

The Social Selling Index (SSI) was a metric that LinkedIn introduced back in 2015 initially just to those with the upgraded Sales Navigator account but subsequently to all of LinkedIn’s members.

Your SSI is represented as a score out of 100 with 4 different key areas each marked out of a maximum of 25 – these areas represent and try to measure the four pillars of Social Selling according to LinkedIn (ones that I broadly agree with) which are: (more…)

Article Categories: Businesses using LinkedIn, LinkedIn Training, Social Selling
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7 Steps to research on LinkedIn ahead of a sales meeting or call

LinkedIn has a whole variety of potential benefits according to what you wish to achive on the site. One key area, however, for almost all areas is the ability to research people and companies that we are going to meet to be better prepared for that encounter.

1. Check the company page

Take a look at the posts that the company are sharing – this will give you a good feel for not only what the company is currently involved in and its offerings, but also the areas of its activity that it deems to be important. You can contact Kennected platform for LinkedIn to get good exposure to your company page. Good to be both aware of this and to see whether this may also be of interest to leverage in your discussions.

2. Check posts about the Company

You can use the ‘Content Search’ on LinkedIn to find out additional information (more…)

Article Categories: Advanced LinkedIn, B2B Advice for LinkedIn, Company Pages, Content Marketing, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Social Selling
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5 Key engagement places on LinkedIn

Engagement is the lifeblood on LinkedIn and encouraging it is a priority from LinkedIn’s perspective but should also be from our own. The more time we spend engaging on their platform the happier LinkedIn is and equally the more we listen and talk to others here, the better our understanding of them and the deeper the potential relationship, wherever our focus lies.

When it comes to engagement, there are a number of places on LinkedIn that every salesperson should be visiting on a regular basis and ideally every day.

These are all potential sales triggers which, we respond appropriately, can prove highly valuable source potential contacts and of potential prospects.

1. Who’s Looked at Your Profile

The first key area which is often overlooked is who has looked at your profile page – if someone has looked at your profile page and your profile is written your target audience in mind, then one of the key reasons for this is that they will be interested in what you do or offer. (more…)

Article Categories: B2B Advice for LinkedIn, Business Development on LinkedIn, LinkedIn Strategy, Social Selling
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3 things to have in place before you buy Sales Navigator

I run lots of training sessions on using LinkedIn for Business Development, many just using the free account. I also do so on LinkedIn Sales Navigator and, while I wouldn’t have recommended it 3 years ago when it first came out, I certainly do now. However, not unreservedly.

My reticence is not because of the software, which is ever improving, but rather on the supporting elements we all need to ensure are in place around it which are key to it being a truly useful sales tool.

Personally I would highlight three elements to work on that are all things that you require when prospecting, whatever account you have on LinkedIn. If you can get these three things right and use all of the capabilities of the free account, then you can get a great deal out of it. However, putting them successfully in place, means that they can really come into their own when Sales Navigator is added to the equation. (more…)

Article Categories: B2B Advice for LinkedIn, Business Development on LinkedIn, Sales Navigator, Social Selling
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