Talk to your Connections – LinkedIn Advent Calendar (day 3)

We don’t talk enough to the people closest to us – on LinkedIn, that means your Connections.

We’re often too busy looking for new people to talk to that we forget to keep in touch with the people we already know … and our network in general.

We could all do more of that any time – but it’s particularly important in today’s world.

Answer me this:

👉 Who are the people who know you best?
👉 Who are your best advocates?
👉 Who are your best introducers and referrers?
👉 Who are your customers?

Yep, your Connections. So talk!

You could:

✅ Introduce people who could potentially help each other
✅ Provide information of interest or value to them
✅ Remind them what you’re up to
✅ Merely check on how they are

Whatever the reason, it’s good to talk!

How do you find who to talk to? Well, if you want to look for them by name then you can do so via ‘My Network’ … easy.

If you want to narrow them down according to where they’re based, what they do or the company / industry they work in then that can be trickier. But still possible.

I’ve attached a video 👇👇 where I outline how you can do just this.

So, today try it! Find 5 people to talk to or to put in touch in your network – it’s really valuable!

Oh, and say ‘Hi!’ from me too! 😉

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