Tag Archives: LinkedIn Usage

LinkedIn brings back homepage popup box

LinkedIn Pop Up BoxI know, I know – some people get excited about the smallest of things, but personally I am genuinely very pleased … nay, excited (there I’ve said it again) … to see the return of the pop up box on the homepage of LinkedIn.

The pop up box that I’m referring to appears when you hover over either the name or the photo of someone who has posted or shared something which then appears in the news feed on your LinkedIn homepage. I always felt that it was a wonderful help to the engagement process by giving me a first indication of who the person is through their professional headline as well as a reminder of any connections we share or perhaps if I have seen stuff from them before. (more…)

Article Categories: LinkedIn Site Changes, LinkedIn Updates, Using LinkedIn
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Remember to say “Hello!”

Say hello on LinkedInShort and sweet today and, at the same time, one of the most powerful things you can do on LinkedIn.

You receive an invitation to connect and press the “Accept” button. Another connection made. But should you leave it at that? I say no. At that moment, perhaps more than any other, you have the perfect opportunity to develop that potential relationship easily and immediately by writing back and getting the conversation going right there and then.

Let’s face it – if you were at a face to face networking event and you’ve just gone through the “preliminaries” of introducing yourselves, would you just leave it at that? It would seem unusual to do so … maybe counterproductive even, almost giving off the message that well I now know the minimum about you and that’s all I want. (more…)

Article Categories: LinkedIn Advice, LinkedIn Tips, Networking supercharged
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