Tag Archives: LinkedIn News

Active status on LinkedIn

Active Status LinkedIn headerYou may have noted that LinkedIn seems to have succumbed to an attack of the measles … green measles to be precise. For some they arrived last year only to disappear for a while, but then returned last week once again and are now back with a vengeance. For others, you may be seeing them for the first time and wondering what they signify.

Don’t worry, they’re not contagious. However, they do potentially offer us some valuable focus for our interactions on LinkedIn – so let’s get to the nitty gritty of what they are all about!

What do they mean?

This is part of the LinkedIn system that is called the ‘Active Status’ indicator and quite simply it shows when your connections are actually logged into the site and, to a certain point, also when they were last active.

They come in two forms: (more…)

Article Categories: Business Development on LinkedIn, LinkedIn Advice, LinkedIn News, LinkedIn Updates, Using LinkedIn
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LinkedIn reaches the 100m member level

LinkedIn InfographicI wrote a blog post in June last year when LinkedIn announced that they had just hit 4m users in the UK and, at the time, I felt that was an impressive figure, but one which showed there was still some good growth to come.

Well, times have moved on and LinkedIn has certainly been developing apace, not inly in terms of the number of people who have joined but also in terms of the functionality that the site offers and the opportunities that it delivers to the businesses and individuals using it.

As the infographic below shows (courtesy of Vincenzo Cosenza), the growth in the UK since then has been enormous and figures indicate that there are just shy of 6m UK members now. To put that in perspective, essentially 2m new members (which equates to a 50% increase in numbers) have joined in the course of the last 9 months.

That is hugely important both in terms of real figures and also in terms of perception. It’s no wonder I’m getting more and more people tell me during my LinkedIn Workshops that (more…)

Article Categories: LinkedIn News
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Open Groups on LinkedIn

LinkedIn Open Groups###Update 2: as of this morning (December 21) it seems that the process of moving to an Open Group is being made available to the group owner as you will be given the option to change across to an Open Group automatically. There should be a yellow band now with a clickable area and it will explain some of the implications and a bit of housekeeping you should do ahead of it. Also in the “Group settings” area of the “Manage” menu in the group you should find a button at the top which guides you through the process! Decide carefully though – no undoing the process once you’ve elected to make it Open! 🙂 ###

### Quick update: I’ve had a number of people ask how to make their groups open – as of end November 2010, LinkedIn are still testing and rolling out and, if you are interested in enabling this feature for your group, they recommend emailing them at opengroups@linkedin.com or visit an update page at lnkd.in/opengroups. ###

In yet another departure from their current setup, LinkedIn has announced that it is introducing Open Groups onto the site – indeed, this will be the default format of all new LinkedIn Groups going forward, once it is fully rolled out.

So what’s an Open Group? Well, this isn’t, as you might think, one that anyone on LinkedIn can join – those already exist as “open access groups” – but rather one where the content will be visible to everyone on LinkedIn (group member of not) and externally to LinkedIn as well, therefore making it accessible to Google.

Currently, most of the content on LinkedIn, including in this instance that in the Groups, is essentially hidden from Google because they are locked away behind the password and login. The main exceptions to this are (more…)

Article Categories: Groups on LinkedIn, LinkedIn News, LinkedIn Site Changes, LinkedIn Strategy
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LinkedIn in figures: Hubspot Infographic

LinkedIn InfographicI do like the recent trend towards creating Infographics which are hugely useful I find in getting your point across of a certain subject in a concise and very visual way. Sadly, I really don’t have the talent to do them justice so instead I wanted to share with you one created at the end of June 2010 by Hubspot.

Lots of interesting pointers in it and created soon after LinkedIn announced that they had passed the 70 million member mark – no mean feat, even given the current increasing focus on the whole area of Social Media and how it can work to increase customer interaction and business success on the back of that.

One key element in the report for me was that (more…)

Article Categories: LinkedIn News, Social Media
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LinkedIn hits 4m users in UK

Linkedin Training ServicesWhile it’s true that Facebook and Twitter get a lot of press coverage, LinkedIn continues to quietly go about its business, developing a hugely interactive platform and in the process building up an impressive (and remarkably active) user base.

Earlier this month, it announced that it has now surpassed 70m users worldwide while, in the UK, the number of users has also exceeded 4m for the first time. This certainly means that it is not only a key business networking site but its rate of growth also seems to be increasing. Certainly, from my own point of view, during the monthly “Introduction to LinkedIn” session we do at (more…)

Article Categories: LinkedIn News, Social Media
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