Tag Archives: LinkedIn hashtags

Using hashtags on LinkedIn

linkedin-hashtagYou may have noticed a resurgence of hashtags on LinkedIn over the past few months and you may also have seen some extra areas popping up around the site as well to help their usage.

It seemed appropriate therefore to have a delve into just how we might use them effectively on LinkedIn, both from a publisher’s perspective and also as a reader / consumer of content.

And if you think “Nah, hashtags aren’t for me” then you might be right but, on the other hand, you might find that there’s some real business use built in and that it’s not all just #hashtaghypebutnotreallyuseful

Using hashtags as an Author / Publisher

So why bother with hashtags when you publish on LinkedIn? As you may have noticed, LinkedIn has started to encourage us to use hashtags every time we post, whether that is an update or an article, giving us some suggested initial selections which are based on your past usage and also on the text you have inserted.


Article Categories: Content Marketing, LinkedIn Marketing, LinkedIn Site Changes, LinkedIn Updates
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