Tag Archives: LinkedIn Applications

LinkedIn’s New Profile – the lowdown and an action plan!

Well it looks like LinkedIn’s new profile for our personal accounts is being rolled out to the next phase of people and speeding up a little in the process, so I felt it was time to give a bit of a lowdown on it and what you are going to need to do.

By the way, for those who are coming along to the Public workshops in January, don’t worry it will all be included there! 😉 As a very quick aside – lots of new locations and a special offer to launch them with on the 2013 Public Schedule – you can find details here!

This is quite a long post, so feel free to dip in and out of the areas of most interest to you.

There’s good and bad to report

On with the details! To start with, I have some good news and I have some bad news (more…)

Article Categories: New LinkedIn Profile, Optimise your Profile
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LinkedIn Tip: Get your blog connected

LinkedIn Tips and Advice: LinkedIn Public ProfileI don’t know about you, but I like to get as much benefit as possible from the work that I put into something.

My blogs are a great example of that. I’ve been running a blog for over 5 years now and also have set blogs up for, I guess, over 100 companies and individuals. Done right, they’re a fabulous business tool – a combination of push marketing, with relationship building and search engine marketing all in one nice little bundle. A key component in the social media as well as the internet marketing mix.

One place where all the information from your blog is going to be particularly valuable is over on your LinkedIn profile. It’s the perfect place to display things you’ve written that demonstrate your experience and expertise or show off the services / products you provide. A perfect (more…)

Article Categories: LinkedIn Advice, LinkedIn Applications, LinkedIn Tips
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Connect blogs to your LinkedIn profile

Blogs and LinkedIn StrategyI don’t know about you, but I like to get as much benefit as possible from the work that I put into something.

My blogs are a great example of that. I’ve been running a blog for over 5 years now and also have set blogs up for, I guess, over 100 companies and individuals. Done right, they’re a fabulous business tool – a combination of push marketing, with relationship building and search engine marketing all in one nice little bundle. A key component in the social media as well as the internet marketing mix.

One place where all the information from your blog is going to be particularly valuable is over on your LinkedIn profile. It’s the perfect place to display things you’ve (more…)

Article Categories: LinkedIn Advice, LinkedIn Applications, Q & A on LinkedIn
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Connecting your Blog to your LinkedIn Profile

Blog on LinkedIn Profile[Update: The linking of blogs became impossible when LinkedIn updated and abandoned the use of applications in 2011/12 – you can still share items from your own blog in terms of Content Marketing but you can no longer link the actual blog to your profile.]

I don’t know about you, but I like to get as much benefit as possible from the work that I put into something.

My blogs are a great example of that. I’ve been running a blog for over 5 years now and also have set blogs up for, I guess, over 200 companies and individuals in that time. I still help organisations understand how blogs integrate into their marketing, PR or business development plans and, done right, they’re a fabulous business tool – a combination of push marketing, with relationship building and search engine marketing all in one nice little bundle. A key component in the social media as well as the internet marketing mix.

Use your Blog on your LinkedIn Profile

One place where all the information from your blog is going to be particularly valuable is over on your LinkedIn profile. It’s the perfect place to (more…)

Article Categories: Businesses using LinkedIn, LinkedIn Applications, LinkedIn for Recruitment Agencies, Optimise your Profile
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