Tag Archives: Contact Information

Make the new Contact Info area really work for you

One of the big changes which happened when the top of the profile was modified last year was that it provided the contact info box with a much more prominent position – previously this information had been somewhat lost in the wilderness in the right hand side bar and to be honest somewhat lost when you looked at someone’s profile.

No Longer! It is now very much front and forward and it is massively important to use it to best advantage … because most people don’t.

As a big indication of this, before every training session I run, I have a look at all the profiles of the people who are attending my courses or one of the in-house sessions for sales teams that I run. What they have in their Contact Info area is one of the elements I check and record.

In about 80% of cases, this section only contains one element which is (more…)

Article Categories: Advanced LinkedIn, LinkedIn Marketing, New LinkedIn Profile
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