Your LinkedIn Coach

LInkedIn Coach, Mark White

Your LinkedIn Coach, Mark White

Your LinkedIn coach is Mark White, a highly experienced professional who has worked with LinkedIn and other social media tools to great success over the past 10 years.

The LinkedIn coaching that I deliver is always going to focus on two key aspects:

  • the technical elements which are going to allow you to understand and use the LinkedIn site as effectively as possible whatever you are looking to achieve;
  • the business focus which will allow you to integrate LinkedIn into your business strategy whether that involves business generation, recruitment, general marketing etc.

With a background in international business development and marketing together with a wide experience of planning and running both workshops and coaching sessions on LinkedIn and a range of other social media topics (and of course extensive hands on experience – I practice what I preach!), you can be sure of up to date and tried and tested advice and training.

If you would like to know more then just drop me a line using one of the methods you’ll find on the contact page or have a look at some of the options that are available. If you don’t find exactly what you want then let me know – I think you’ll find that I can accommodate most requests!