LinkedIn brings back homepage popup box

LinkedIn Pop Up BoxI know, I know – some people get excited about the smallest of things, but personally I am genuinely very pleased … nay, excited (there I’ve said it again) … to see the return of the pop up box on the homepage of LinkedIn.

The pop up box that I’m referring to appears when you hover over either the name or the photo of someone who has posted or shared something which then appears in the news feed on your LinkedIn homepage. I always felt that it was a wonderful help to the engagement process by giving me a first indication of who the person is through their professional headline as well as a reminder of any connections we share or perhaps if I have seen stuff from them before.

LinkedIn Pop Up Box on Homepage

It disappeared when the revamped homepage appeared earlier in the year and was one of the reasons I have spent less time on my homepage – the other, by the way, is that LinkedIn also removed the ability to filter types of content that I wasn’t interested in, such as people updating their profile or connecting to new people. Useful to some, I recognise, but not part of my own LinkedIn strategy.

I have my fingers crossed that that functionality might also return allowing me to truly control my homepage as opposed to having content that I consider less important foist upon me. We will see.

In the meantime, I’ll be happy one element is returned and take it as a timely reminder, given that the professional headline is not displayed in its entirety, that the first 38 – 40 characters of mine should also deliver its own initial message of introduction.

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