Content creation – or what to write about! – remains a key worry for most business owners and marketing professionals alike. Talking about things is a great way to get yourself out there and show people the benefits of what you do.
Now, added to this, one of the consequences of LinkedIn’s algorithm introduction some 2 years ago is that the distribution of your content has been reduced. That means that, in most cases, content you issue will only be seen by a percentage of your network or target audience, even if it’s widely shared … and for most, that‘s a big IF.
It therefore makes sense to use the content we produce more effectively, to re-purpose it or create chunks to use to promote the full version. This ism’t cheating or trying to deceive your readers – just the opposite. What you are really doing is creating ways in which you can use the information you are creating and sharing more effectively … just as it should be!
There are numerous ways in which you might achieve this and below I have added some thoughts on potential ways to do just that:
1. Use Mini Posts as leaders
Use the initial post as a focus point and pick three key points in it. Create mini posts with each of these and use them as teasers for the full post. This is particularly powerful with your Foundation posts, one of the key drivers of content that I talk about in the 16 Strategic Post Ideas;
2. Infographics make your message visual
If your post was text based, then consider also creating an infographic highlighting the key information points that it mentions – some people prefer to take in information in a visual format so this allows them to take it in more easily. There are a number of template sites which can make this less daunting than at first site, particularly if you don’t have a graphics person in house;
3. Think Video!
Why not also create the same post as a video – if you use a simple headshot with you summarising the post to camera, then this should give enough quality and make sure that it delivers the right information as well. Don’t forget that people usually have sound turned off on LinkedIn so do add captions to your recording – it really is neessary if you want traction on LinkedIn;
4. Documents go further currently
The ‘Document’ format on LinkedIn is getting a lot of attention currently, so summarise 3 – 5 key take aways and create a PowerPoint slide for each. Save this file as a pdf and then load this as a document, giving you a massively graphic way of communicating these. Remember to top and tail it, with an introduction slide and a call to action slide to finish as well;
5. Change the lead question
Think about changing the question you ask in conjunction with your post – if it is designed to create the startpoint of a discussion, then change the direction that might take with “Why,” “What,” “When,” and “How” to bring out different points it contains;
6. Get people talking
Give people an easy option to participate – if you have a list of points then number them and ask which resonates most with your readers. Adding the number means they can participate more easily and so you can benefit from that engagement. Asking the additional “Why?” helps open the next stage of the discussion if that’s relevant;
7. Change the picture, change the focus
Consider just changing the associated image with the post – while you are not changing the funademental thrust of the post, having a different visual accompanying it or perhaps some different text adding to the image can help appeal to a different audience and make it stand out;
8. Give a checklist to follow
Create a checklist from the ideas and concepts you have highlighted in your post or article – focus people’s attention on certain specific action points and help guide them to the next step.
9. Make the post instructional
Pick one of the key points in your original post and expand on it, essentially making it into a “How To” post, guiding your readers through how they too can reap the benefits that you have been showing and talking about.
It’s worth pointing out here – we are in no way trying to con people with simply regurgitated content. The value that we get from a posts will depend on a whole host of factors and so rejigging and repurposing your content and ideas is not so much a case of regurgitating old information and more highlighting new ways to interpret it.