Tag Archives: Openlink

What is Openlink on LinkedIn? Now Open Profile …

Openlink - LinkedIn Openlink NetworkYou may have seen a much smaller version of the symbol to the right on some people’s profiles next to their name and, generally, next to a Premium account symbol too. While it’s not that obvious, what it signifies is that the member is part of the OpenLink network on LinkedIn.

{As from May 2014, LinkedIn appears to have renamed Openlink as Open Profile (that’s Open Profile as 2 words it seems) which is actually a sensible move, I would suggest, as Open Profile would appear to better communicate the real benefits of the function … as you will hopefully discover below}

OpenLink (now Open Profile) is something that is available exclusively to Premium account holders and indeed, in my opinion, is a key benefit of these paid for business accounts. Essentially, it lets people who are members to find and get in contact with other professionals who are interested in meeting new people. It also opens up the ability for anyone to contact you and makes certain that anyone can see your full details in the search results, whether the searcher is part of your network or not. Let me explain …


Article Categories: Businesses using LinkedIn, LinkedIn Strategy, Networking supercharged, Using LinkedIn
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