Tag Archives: Custom Website Links

I saw three website – LinkedIn Advent Calendar (Day 5)

Here’s an easy win for you on your Profile.

The Contact Info section has a prime position at the top of the page. It automatically contains a link to your Public Profile – you know the one that can be seen anywhere on the web. (You can personalise the link, BTW!)

And …

Well for many people, there is no ‘and’. That’s the only thing in there, which is a bit of a waste.

What other contact info would be good?

Well, at the very least, give visitors to your Profile a nudge as to where they can find out more.

A link (more…)

Article Categories: Business Development on LinkedIn, LinkedIn Advice, LinkedIn Training
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Customise your website links

LinkedIn Profile SeriesIt’s important to make best use of what we are given on LinkedIn, I think that you’ll agree. The links through to our websites and blogs form another key part of the information we provide as it helps us get people thinking about our sites and also encouraging them to click through and visit them. After all, LinkedIn is really just a place to initiate the connection with people but then you’ll want them on your own site to further the relationship.

Anyway, to help encourage them to come through to your website, you need to make sure that you don’t simply retain the simple “Company Website” display name that is the default text that LinkedIn gives us. (They currently provide a choice of 5 in all that, while descriptive I guess, are always going to be generic.)

Instead, how about being able to customise them and so display the name that you would like to have there. It will attract the eye (more…)

Article Categories: Businesses using LinkedIn, LinkedIn Advice, Optimise your Profile, Using LinkedIn
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