Tag Archives: box.net

LinkedIn’s New Profile – the lowdown and an action plan!

Well it looks like LinkedIn’s new profile for our personal accounts is being rolled out to the next phase of people and speeding up a little in the process, so I felt it was time to give a bit of a lowdown on it and what you are going to need to do.

By the way, for those who are coming along to the Public workshops in January, don’t worry it will all be included there! 😉 As a very quick aside – lots of new locations and a special offer to launch them with on the 2013 Public Schedule – you can find details here!

This is quite a long post, so feel free to dip in and out of the areas of most interest to you.

There’s good and bad to report

On with the details! To start with, I have some good news and I have some bad news (more…)

Article Categories: New LinkedIn Profile, Optimise your Profile
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