LinkedIn for Jobseekers (M3 Job Club – Nov 2013)

M3 Job ClubFirstly, thank you for the opportunity to present a little bit on LinkedIn and how you might be able to use it to your benefit on Friday.

As promised on the day, I have attached here links to a couple of different documents:

i) a copy of the document which should help you to setup your LinkedIn profile in a way which will help it to deliver against the goals you have for the site – “Setting up and Optimising your LinkedIn Profile

ii) a copy of the slides that I used in the session on Friday – Slide Pack

If you have any questions, then please feel free to get in contact at or via the LinkedIn site where I’d also be happy to connect.

*** Warning – short marketing pitch ***
And of course, if you are interested in getting further training or coaching on any aspect of LinkedIn or how to integrate it into your marketing / business development strategy, then I do run in-house sessions nationwide as well as half-day public courses at a variety of locations around the UK including London. 😉

Thanks for coming along and all the best,
